Aluminium Windows make for a special home
We offer quality aluminium windows. Ironically some companies proudly declare they offer cheap aluminium windows.It is important to make the distinction between quality and cheap.
As an aluminium window manufacturing company, we are virtually every week offered Aluminium window systems from countries all over the world Africa, Asia, and South America and yes they are cheaper than we are currently paying but I certainly wouldn’t want them in my house as they are cheap for a reason. They are designed to a price meaning very flimsy sections, poor design aesthetics, and poor powder coat weights. And are primarily designed for their countries' local markets meaning they miss the PAS 24 certification and energy requirements required by UK standards.

A Pedigree in Aluminium Extrustions
We manufacture several types of aluminium casement windows from a systems company called Jack Aluminium which like us is based in Coventry. The guys who founded Jack aluminium are engineers with a pedigree in aluminium extrusions and this shows in their products, they give exceptional value for money and in performance terms equal or surpass the market-leading German aluminium windows.
I’m sorry to say If you want cheap aluminium windows we can’t help you if you want a very high-specification aluminium window at a bargain price, yes we can certainly help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Are the Aluminium Windows Slimline?
Absolutely yes! Our Flush aluminium window system,manufactured from Jack Aluminium we have our registered brand Neohauz ® which is available in an ultra slim flush versions or traditional stepped versions. There are three different outer-frame widths check out our video in the link above. The Neohauz suite has a flush matching residential door and flush French door.
Can they be custom made to suit different window designs?
Our aluminium windows are made to measure to suit each installation and can comply with latest building regulation 2022 and PAS 24 security when specified. We can design any style as all our windows pvc-u and aluminium are custom-made. The usual style in the UK is casement.We make shaped aluminium windows to suit along with tilt turn windows and flying mullion windows.
Do you offer different colour ranges?
Absolutely yes! Over the last decade, there has been a significant demand for grey aluminum windows in colour code RAL7016 . RAL is used to accurately code colours.The RAL system was created in 1927 by the German National Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance. RAL stands for Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung. ( the Reich committee for delivery and quality assurance). The initial system contained only 40 colours. Today there are many thousands of RAL codes that we can accurately re-produce on our inhouse paint system Elysiam colour cast. We can coat windows in two colours known as dual colours for a different colour inside to outside. All farrow and Ball colours are available on all our windows and doors.
Are Aluminium Windows energy efficient?
Our aluminium windows are extremely energy efficient with the following U values
• U value of 1.2 W/m2k (0.7 centre pane value)
• U value of 1.5 W/m2k (1.0 centre pane value)
Exceeding all energy efficiency ratings, our products are low maintenance and offer outstanding flexibility when it comes to design and colour options . Aluminium windows have a potential life span of over a hundred years as the glass can be easily replaced as the aluminium glazing bead can be removed without structural damage that can occur on pvc-u window beads if they are poorly removed. Rubber gaskets and seals are also replaceable throughout the window's life span.